Memory Jamming Music!!!

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Always Something There to Remind Me.”

Music has the ability to immediately transport me from the present into a evocation of the past in a very powerful way. For me it doesn’t matter what anyone is actually saying to me as I instinctively tune into whatever music is playing and attempt to pick up a recognition, a link, a memory.

U2 Classic album

U2 Classic album

U2  –  With or Without You

1980s and a major relationship break up, played on repeat to the point of probably neighbours wanting to kill me. That was over 20 years ago, but even if I play it now, it yanks me back to that year in Melbourne Australia, the house we were living in and the whole sad futility of a major relationship breakdown, pain…arguments, isolation, anger of a soured engagement and the need to pack up your life and return home to your roots. All my possessions at that time fitted into one small yellow Datsun car that was put onto the railway and shipped back over to the other side of the country.

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Rodriguez – Sugar Man and I Wonder

1970s oh my God…a group of us at high school used to play these songs over and over at parties and at lunchtime at school on a tape that’s going back.

Everyone in our group had the Cold Fact record worn down from overplay, teenage angst over boys..especially the bitter ‘I Wonder’ song, we would sing along

 I wonder how many times you’ve been had and I wonder how many plans have gone bad

with bitter irony and raised voices anthem like a Greek chorus. I am 16 with no viable love prospects on the horizon and soon to go to the graduation dinner dance at high school dateless. Oh the joy.

Iconic cover based on Elvis Presley 1956 cover

Iconic cover based on Elvis Presley 1956 cover

The Clash – London Calling

1979 the cover says it all, the words shouted out across distorted electric guitars

London calling to the faraway towns, Now war is declared and battle come down, London calling to the underworld, Come out of the cupboard, you boys and girls..

The growl, the menace, the excitement. I remember my girlfriend and I both cutting our long hair short at the same time and doing a home dye job..we were in our first year of uni and rebelling big time..going to see lots of live bands and seriously breaking away from the good Catholic school girl mould. There were whole groups of us queuing up overnight to see the big acts, staying out until 3am and causing our parents no end of grief, until we moved out of home and swam in our own lane. Freedom.

These are just a few associations for me, let me know yours!

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